Huggable Teddy Bear Review
Looking for the perfect teddy bear to give to your loved one this Christmas? Huggable Teddy Bears has a wonderful assortment of bears for all occasions. They also sell great name brand bears, as well as occupation and sports bears.
I recently got the opportunity to review a bear from the Huggable Teddy Bears site. The bear I chose for my review is a bear named Brown Sugar by Aurora World. I chose this bear because I absolutely love traditional brown teddy bears, and I thought this would be a great addition to my collection. I also chose it because it's made by Aurora World, who makes some fabulous products.
This bear definitely did not dispapoint. First off, he is simply beautiful, and I was very impressed by his bright, rich colors. He definitely lives up to the name Brown Sugar. He's also very well made, and he features some high quality materials that not only look good but also make him feel soft, cuddly, and furry. And like the classic teddy bears that I love he has a beautiful matching ribbon tied around his neck. And he has an adorably sweet face.
The Brown Sugar bear also come in a great size, measuring about 16 inches tall, which makes it a great bear to set out somewhere in your home or a great toy for all ages. And he's also available in a 24 inch size if you wanted something bigger.
Obviously I love this bear! And I think he would make a fabulous gift!
As we go into the New Year and start shopping for Valentine's Gifts, the Huggable Teddy Bear site would also be a great place to shop. They have a lovely line of Valentine bears, including this really cute Love Stinks Bear.
Check out Huggable Teddy Bears to see more adorable gift ideas.

Disclosure: I received a free bear from Huggable Teddy Bears for this review. The opinions expressed in this post are my own.
Labels: product review, shopping
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