Halloween Treat Box
We were grocery shopping the other day when my husband picked up a big box of cupcakes. This was the same weekend that I broke out all the Halloween decorations for outside. I find that if we don't keep snacks like cookies and cakes out on the counter, they will be forgotten in the cabinet and will eventually have to be thrown out. I was deciding which bowl or jar to the put the cupcakes in I got inspired to create this cute little treat box.
To make your own treat box, just take any box or other container you find around the house. Then get a couple of coordinating scrapbook papers. ( I purchased the packet which included 8 sheets of Halloween paper from the Dollar Tree! I actually bought it a year or two ago and had totally forgotten about it. Big surprise when I started hunting through my paper drawers!)
Next cut your paper to fit your box. Since I'm not the craftiest person in the world I find it helps a lot to trace the shapes you need with a pen or pencil. For this particular project I found it easier to cut each side individually but whenever possible, I try to wrap the paper around the item I'm decoupaging.
Finally apply mod podge to the back of your paper and stick the paper to your container. Make sure it goes on smooth. If you're using a cardboard box like I did, you could alternatively use a glue stick. After you've completely covered your container, you can finish all the project by giving it another light coat of mod podge.
After it dries, your ready to fill the box with your favorite Halloween treats!
I'm sharing my project at these crafty linky parties.

At October 13, 2010 at 1:22 PM ,
Avon Beauty with Mary said...
I enjoy reading your blog and want to pass forward the Lovely Blog award to you. Please see my recent posting for details:
At October 13, 2010 at 1:29 PM ,
Stacia said...
What a cute way to spruce up the original packaging! :)
At October 14, 2010 at 7:26 AM ,
Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...
Much better...it's very cute and festive!!!
At October 15, 2010 at 9:02 AM ,
Carol@easytobeglutenfree said...
I love this idea. My friends birthday is on Halloween and I am working on a gift box for her. This will be perfect! Thanks!
At October 15, 2010 at 2:23 PM ,
Denise Marie said...
this is terrific. Wish you'd join me at my waste not want not meme on Wednesdays.
At October 19, 2010 at 11:39 PM ,
Katie said...
So happy to see you at A Crafty Soiree! That's such a cute way to display the cupcakes. Cute paper makes everything...well cute:) Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing you next time too!
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